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  • Overview of the Lithium Industry in 2024: Global Insights and Industry Examples

    Overview of the Lithium Industry in 2024: Global Insights and Industry Examples

    In 2024, lithium continues to be a cornerstone of the global transition toward clean energy, with its pivotal role in rechargeable batteries for electric vehicles (EVs), renewable energy storage, and consumer electronics. The surge in demand for lithium-ion batteries is experiencing significant developments across the industry, impacting production, supply chains, and geopolitics worldwide. The demand…

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  • Electric Vehicle Market in 2024: Growth Amidst Challenges

    Electric Vehicle Market in 2024: Growth Amidst Challenges

    The electric vehicle market has made significant strides over the past decade, with 2023 marking a record year of growth. However, the performance in 2024, particularly in Europe, has been mixed, reflecting the complexity of transitioning to a fully electrified automotive market. Economic constraints, infrastructure inadequacies, supply chain issues, technological limitations, and consumer sentiment all…

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  • Digital Applications as Vital Drivers for the Nuclear Energy of Tomorrow

    Digital Applications as Vital Drivers for the Nuclear Energy of Tomorrow

    Energy security and decarbonation are some of the greatest challenges of our time. In a context of increasing international instability, it is necessary to ensure that these goals are achieved with all the possible means, while preserving energy sustainability and supply for all consumers. Already providing about 10% of global electricity generation, the nuclear energy…

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